Monday, August 10, 2009

What is wrong or right being single again?

I wrote a list of signs of getting older before and I just thought maybe I should try to answer that question. (Read my 20 Signs of you're getting older) So, here goes...

1. You will feel lonely. No yang lain-lain lah.

2. When you hear the song "You make me feel like a natural woman" by Aretha Franklin, you will feel like throwing the mp3 player to the wall.

3. Your phone bill will reduce drastically. hmm...great?

4. You will think that you are a loser. Why didn't I do it earlier?

5. You will think of ways to get busy and not think of how miserable you are because you're single again. hahahahhaa...

6. You will think of any sinful thought like, hmm...I think I want to become a lesbian..Easier to handle, I think.

7. Once you put the single status on Facebook, you will get harassed with neverending questions.

8. You will need to prepare a script when your friends start to question the reasons of being single again.

9. You will start to check for any wrinkles on your face. hahahahha..

10. You will start thinking of ways to be desirable to men or...women. I'm laughing me head off.

11. You will practice to dance desirably (without hurting yourself) to the song, "1,2,3,, do, tres, quadro..I know you want know I wantcha...". Just in case you need to dance to the next person you like! I'm killing myself by laughing!

12. You will write this list of answers. ehem...

13. But the best is, you will start to appreciate whoever is around you better.

I'm bored...I need to entertain myself. It's hazy and hot and I can't think of how to write my next paper. Sigh...


Nur Affa said...

p mun kmk the 1st reason is masa k kmk pun gik xda kedak nie lah mok a ada gerek time tok? hrmmmm

Sarah said...


Kamek rasa kitak sik lonely..u've got all the friends in the world around you, bah.:) Plus, family juak oh..

Nur Affa said...

Yalah... work hard lok puas2 :D